Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Recovers $200+ Mil­lion to Tex­ans from Med­ic­aid Fraud in 2023

Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced that, in fiscal year 2023, the Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) recovered more than $200 million from entities and individuals who defrauded the Texas Medicaid system or were accused of doing so. The OAG’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (“MFCU”) and Civil Medicaid Fraud Division released the findings in a joint annual report with the Texas Health & Human Services Office of the Inspector General.

In 2023, the OAG returned to the state over $203 million in remedies, penalties, and fines as a result of its investigations and settlements.

Source: Attor­ney Gen­er­al Pax­ton Recovers $200+ Mil­lion to Tex­ans from Med­ic­aid Fraud in 2023 / Texas Insider

2 Responses

  • Because he has rich donors like Tim Dunn. Dunn bribed/paid/lobbied, all the same, to the “jurors”, politicians to vote not to convict.

    They took the money and voted pro Kenny Pax. The other option was to vote against him.

    If you voted against him, Tim Funn, et al. Would finance candidates to run against them and no doubt beat them.

    Politics pay extrememly well. All a game to keep wealth distributed to the connected

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