How can open enrollment help the 1.4 million Texans who lost Medicaid coverage this year?

About 1.4 million Texans have lost Medicaid coverage so far this year as the state continues to check eligibility. Since federal pandemic-era protections ended in early 2023, more than 11.7 million people nationally have lost Medicaid coverage, according to data from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

That’s made periods like open enrollment, taking place through January 15, even more important for Texans and the navigators who help them find health plans through the ACA Marketplace.

Daniel Bouton is the senior director of family and community health at the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, overseeing teams that help underinsured and uninsured clients find health care.

“It is a different year because there’s so many people that almost are facing a surprise factor of losing Medicaid,” he said. “In the past three years, many people changed jobs, and started making a little bit more money that put them over the threshold for Medicaid.”

He said his team has helped people who are self-employed and young adults who have aged out of Medicaid find coverage. Bouton said clients are often wondering how they can afford insurance plans and how to stay in-network for doctors they already see.

Source: How can open enrollment help the 1.4 million Texans who lost Medicaid coverage this year? / KERA News

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