Here are resources regarding the Office of the Inspector General and things that have been publicly stated by the former Inspector General Douglas Wilson or his Deputy Inspector General for Enforcement Jack Stick.
A number of these resources are transcripts that were made from streaming video of House and Senate committee hearings so we can’t vouch for their full accuracy. We have tried to make them as accurate as possible.
March 19, 2012 – Webinar: Containing Medicaid Costs: State Strategies to Fight Medicaid Fraud and Abuse, Jack Stick
January 30, 2013 – Testimony before the Senate Finance Committee – Douglas Wilson
February 4, 2013 – Testimony before the House Appropriation Committee – Dr. Janek and Jack Stick
February 13, 2013 – Testimony before the House Public Health Committee – Dr. Janek, Chris Traynor and Douglas Wilson
March 19, 2013 – Testimony before the House Human Services Committee – Jack Stick