What is Texas HB 300? Updated for 2023

What is Texas HB 300, who is required to comply with the legislation, and what are the penalties for noncompliance? This article answers these and other important questions about Texas HB 300.

What is Texas HB 300?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that sets minimum privacy and security standards for healthcare organizations. HIPAA naturally covers healthcare organizations based in Texas, but they also must comply with state laws. Texas has some of the most stringent laws in the United States as far as health data is concerned which are detailed in the Texas Health and Safety Code.

In June 2011, Texas HB 300 was passed by the Texas legislature. HB 300 amended four areas of Texas legislature: The Texas Health and Safety Code (Chapters 181 and 182), the Texas Business and Commerce Code (Sections 521 and 522), the Texas Government Code (Chapter 531), and the Texas Insurance Code (Chapter 602) and introduced tougher privacy protections for health data than HIPAA.

Source: What is Texas HB 300? Updated for 2023 / HIPAA Journal

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