Millions of Americans to lose Medicaid coverage starting next year

Millions of Americans gained Medicaid coverage during the pandemic. Starting next year, millions are likely to lose it.

The mammoth spending bill passed by Congress would allow states to kick some people off Medicaid starting in April. Millions would become uninsured, according to estimates from the administration and several health care nonprofits.

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that 15 million to 18 million people will lose Medicaid coverage — or about 1 in 5 people currently in the program. A December study by the centrist Urban Institute also estimated that 18 million people are set to lose Medicaid coverage next year and in 2024, leaving 3.8 million people without health insurance.

“The reality is that millions of people are going to lose Medicaid coverage,” said Jennifer Tolbert, the foundation’s associate director of the program on Medicaid and the uninsured.

Source: Millions of Americans to lose Medicaid coverage starting next year / CBS News

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