CARSON CITY, Nev. (KTNV) — The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration has awarded Nevada Medicaid nearly $1.6 million over four years to create five new programs.
These programs aim to develop oral health service delivery infrastructure by expanding who can offer services in Nevada.
“Nevada faces significant challenges in addressing the dental and oral health needs of diverse populations, especially in rural and frontier counties,” said Dr. Antonina Capurro, Nevada Medicaid Deputy Administrator and the grant’s Principal Investigator. “More than 70% of Nevadans live in a federally designated Health Provider Shortage Area. This grant provides an opportunity to implement innovative and diverse strategies to address health care provider shortages in Nevada through the creation of oral health infrastructure and workforce development.”
Source: Nevada Medicaid awarded $1.6M to expand and develop dental workforce / KTNV Las Vegas