Texas Lawsuit Could Bankrupt Planned Parenthood, Make it Pay $1.8 Billion for Medicare Fraud

The state of Texas has asked a federal judge to fine Planned Parenthood more than $1 billion for filing “thousands” of fraudulent Medicaid claims over multiple years — allegations the same Planned Parenthood affiliate has settled in the past. With interest, fines, and penalties, Planned Parenthood has warned the total fine could be a whopping $1.8 billion, inflicting “devastating consequences” for the abortion chain and potentially causing it to close down its operations in the Lone Star State.

Texas began the process of protecting taxpayers from funding Planned Parenthood in 2011, cutting the state’s family planning budget by two-thirds and redirecting state funds away from the nation’s largest abortion business to community health centers. The Obama-Biden administration pulled federal funding from the state program for indigent women, which accounted for 90% of the funding for the state’s Women’s Health Program (WHP), arguing the state could not completely defund Planned Parenthood from Medicaid. Then-Governor Rick Perry rejected federal funding and created the entirely state-funded, pro-life Texas Women’s Health Program (TWHP) on January 1, 2013. (TWHP is now known as Healthy Texas Women.)

Then an undercover video showing Planned Parenthood trafficking in aborted fetal organs came out amidst whistleblowers’ credible allegations of Medicaid fraud.

Source: Texas Lawsuit Could Bankrupt Planned Parenthood, Make it Pay $1.8 Billion for Medicare Fraud / LifeNews.com

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